Our Lady Of Valencia

Country :

Year : 1380

In the year 1380 ten very pious and holy men of Valencia consecrated their lives to the care of unfortunate children.  They decided at the same time to give their fortunes to this good cause.  Their little community was dedicated to Our Lady of Valencia as Our Lady of the Forsaken.

Naturally they desired a statue of Our Lady for their Monastery.  The King of Aragon was enlisted to aid their cause.  Before he could take action three young men came to the monastery.  They asked for lodging, and said they were sculptors.  They were given a room, a block of marble and some food.

For three days they worked.  No sound emanated from the room.  On the fourth day the monks opened the door.  To their complete astonishment they found a beautiful statue of Our Blessed Lady.  The food was still there; the block of marble intact; but the young men had disappeared.

Before investigating the room, the monks of the monastery had asked an elderly blind lady, who had a reputation for sanctity, what they should do.  She told them she would pray, and in a short time give them an answer.

When they returned to find her answer, she told them to break open the door and they would find the statue but no young men.  They were from heaven she said.

It was very fitting indeed, that the first of many miracles wrought through the intercession of Our Lady of Valencia or Our Lady of the Forsaken should be the return of her sight to the pious, old blind lady.

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