Our Lady Of Good Help

Country :

Year : 1657

Dedicated to Our Lady of Good Help, Notre Dame de Bonsecours for 300 years has been the sanctuary for seamen leaving Montreal for the seven seas.  A wooden chapel was built in 1657; replaced in 1675 by a building whose foundations serve the present church which was erected in 1771.

Over the entrance is inscribed:  “If the love of Mary is graven in your heart, forget not a prayer in passing.”  Our Lady of Good Help is a beautiful little Church, with fine paintings.  On the walls are mosaics of Marguerite Bourgeoys, who inspired the first chapel: and of Maisonneuve, founder of Montreal, said to have felled the first oak for the chapel.

A narrow stairway, lined with pilgrims’ acknowledgments, leads to an aerial chapel set in the roof.  Here is a facsimile of the Santa Casa, the house of the Virgin reputedly carried by angels from Nazareth to Loretto.

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