Our Lady Of Savigny (France)

Country : France

Year : 1112

About the year 1112 the diocese of Avranches, established the foundation of the Abbey of Savigny in honor of the Blessed Mother.  This day commemorates the event.  The blessed Vitalis, hermit, was the first abbot.

When Serlo was abbot of Savigny, a monk while saying Mass in honor of Our Lady, to whom he had a deep and tender devotion, beheld the Virgin’s hand making the sign of the cross over the chalice at the consecration of the wine.  At the same time a deliciously sweet fragrance surrounded the monk.  Thereafter as often as he recalled this, he was refreshed by the sweetness of the scent which encompassed him at the time.

Mary’s presence was frequently experienced at this shrine, particularly during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and numerous miracles were wrought, prayers answered and graces bestowed for the asking

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