Our Lady Of Toledo
Country : Spain
Year : 1202
One of the most strenuous champions of the perpetual virginity of the most Holy Mother of God was Saint Ildephonsus, archbishop of Toledo in Spain. When but ten years old he was placed under the direction of Saint Isidore of Seville that he might learn besides human science, the virtues necessary in a minister of the Lord. Later, notwithstanding the opposition of his parents, he entered the monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Spain at that time was infested by a crowd of Arian Heretics who taught that Jesus Christ was not the equal of His Father but only an adopted Son, and therefore, Mary was not the Mother of God, but an ordinary woman.
Saint Ildephonsus directed all his pastoral care against this nefarious doctrine, and proved both by writing and preaching that Jesus Christ is truly God, equal to the Father, and that Mary is the Most Holy Mother of God, and yet a Virgin.
One day as Saint Ildephonsus was praying at the tomb of Saint Leocadia in the presence of a large multitude of the Faithful, among whom was the King Recesvintuc, the stone which covered the sacred remains of this Virgin, was suddenly lifted and the Saint coming forth from the tomb addressed the holy bishop, exclaiming: “O Ildephonsus, through thee is my Mistress living”. By this, Saint Leocadia wished to show how efficacious was the preaching of Ildephonsus.
As witness of this wonderful apparition, Mary appeared and to confirm the truth which he had defended, bade St. Leocadia to detach a small piece of her veil and give it to the holy bishop. This is preserved to the present day as a precious relic in the cathedral of Toledo. St. Ildephonsus died January 23, 667.