Our Lady Of Cambrai

Country : France

Year : 1472

In the year 1472, the statue in the shrine of Our Lady of Cambrai was dedicated by Peter de Rauchicourt, Bishop of Arras.  The church was built in honor of Our Lady in the year 524.  It was reduced to ruins by the Normans in 882; rebuilt by Dossilon, twenty-first Bishop of Arras in 890.  Finally, after having been burnt in 1064, and again in 1148, it was rebuilt as it is now in 1251.

The statue at the shrine is known as Notre Dame de Grace et Cambrai.  It contains a picture ascribed to St. Luke.  This formed the model for the present image in stone.

As at so many of her shrines, Mary here also bestowed graces and favors and miraculous answers to prayers upon her devotees.

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