Our Lady Of Meliapore

Country :

Year : 1542

This is the shrine in the East Indies, where St. Francis Xavier often retired to pray during his eleven years with the people of India.  Mary was Francis’ constant source of strength and inspiration.

The church was that of St. Thomas Mylapore—spelled somewhat differently from the above—and contained Mary’s shrine.  The good people knew they were Christians and nothing more; but they had Mary as their Mother, and she cleared the way into their hearts for the zealous Francis to sow the seed of Christ’s Gospel.  It was at Mary’s shrine that Francis obtained the miraculous favors to raise people from the dead, cure the sick, convert sinners and bring to Christ thousands of souls.  Regardless of where his journeyings took him, Francis always returned to his “Lady of the Wayside”; at Miliapore.

She was his most beloved Mother and from her he received consolation and strength, spiritual delights second to the joys of Paradise.

The spirit of Francis is still at this shrine, and Mary continues to bestow upon her clients miraculous graces and blessings.

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