Our Lady Of Comfort

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Suffering is the portion of those God loves.  It is the seal of His special favor, the badge of glory of those who would follow His Divine Son.  Of all who could lay claim to such intimate association with Christ, there was none with greater right than Mary, the Mother of Sorrows.

Hers was a martyrdom of the spirit, far worse than any physical suffering imaginable, piercing – the most piercing of all.  It was made even more intolerable because she could do so little to help the one she loved so dearly.  There was but the silent service of her tears.  No mother could watch the death throes of her child, as Mary did, without the deepest grief of a human heart.  Only a mother’s strength could hold her up as she stood at the foot of the Cross, as strong in her grief as she was strong in her love; the Queen of Martyrs, the Mother of Sorrows.

Because she has suffered as she did, Mary has earned for herself as well, the lovely title of Comfort of the Afflicted.  Only those who know pain and the need for human consolation can help others in their need.  The spiritual Mother of mankind learned compassion for the trials of her earthly children because she had experienced them herself.  Mary had indeed chosen the better part, a portion of sorrow made even more poignant for what she knew they would do to her Son.  So she takes her place above all others as the Comfort of those who mourn or suffer pain; of you, of me, of all who see her loving aid.

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