Cause Of Our Joy

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Joy is a thing that we all love.  We want to be happy, to be free from what causes us distress, and brings delight and pleasure.

Without Jesus, who has saved us from sin and hell, there would be no joy for us, neither in this world nor in the next.  Mary’s consent was necessary that Jesus become our Redeemer.  She cooperated in the redemption by her full and free consent to deliver Jesus to death for us.  All the joys that come to us through the Divine Kingdom of Grace, the Sacraments, and the Church, pass through the hands of Mary.  When we get to Heaven we shall see how her prayers, her maternal solicitude, her powerful help, followed us in every step of our lives; how she interceded for us in our sorrows that we might receive comfort and consolation; how she presented our petitions to her Son, and helped to get our prayers answered; how she saved us from temptations and falls:  how she, the Star of the Sea, piloted us through countless storms and shipwrecks on the sea of life.

True joy is something deep, quiet, lasting; not fleeting, exciting, deceptive, like pleasure.  It is peace of soul, contentment of heart, deep enduring satisfaction which comes when we refuse God nothing; when we are faithful to conscience, to our duty, to principles; when we make God the center of our lives.  True Joy is found only in Jesus.  Only God is our True Joy.  Mary is the Cause of Our Joy.  She alone can make us truly happy, if we cling to her, honor her, imitate her, consecrate our lives, all our loved ones, all we have and do, all our merits to her, in her and through her.  Our search for joy can be found, in the quietest and most ordinary life, if our hearts are rightly focused on God through Mary.  She brings all joy to our lives.  The words of her Magnificat prove this to us:  “My spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Savior…”

All good things came to me together with her.  There is great delight in her friendship, inexhaustible riches in the works of her hands.

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