Our Lady Of Bruges
Country :
Year : 1150
At a shrine in Flanders, dedicated to Mary, it is reported that a lock of the Virgin’s hair is preserved. It is said to have been brought there by a Syrian Bishop named Mocca.
This shrine is likewise said to have its famous relic of the Holy Blood, which is the center of much pilgrimage. The precious relic was brought from Palestine by Thierry of Alsace on his return from the second crusade. From 1150 this relic has been venerated with much devotion. The annual pilgrimage attended by the nobility in their quaint robes takes place on the Monday following the first Sunday in May – not only the Flemish nobility take part, but also thousands of pilgrims from all over Christendom.
Every Friday the relic is less solemnly exposed for the veneration of the Faithful. As mentioned above, the shrine is dedicated to Mary, for it was she who gave her own blood to her Divine Son, the God-Man.
As at all the Marian shrines, miracles take place through the intercession of the Mother of God.