Our Lady Of Calevourt

Country :

Year : 1454

The image of Our Lady of Calevourt at Uekelem, near Brussels, began to work miracles in the year 1454.  This induced the erection of a magnificent chapel to Our Lady in the year 1623.

The Infanta of Spain, Isabella, Clara Eugenia, devoutly visited the shrine the same year.

The image of Our Lady is known under various titles, due to the fact that Mary gives aid, even miraculous aid, when called upon for help.

We are told that during the Protestant Reformation, the figure was taken to Flanders and hidden away by a Catholic family.  In due course it fell into the hands of Protestants.  This Protestant family received numerous graces and blessings which they attributed to the presence of the holy image in their house.  They were reconciled to the Church as a result.

In 1623 a Spanish captain was given the statue with instructions to place it into the hands of Archduchess Isabella.  The arrival of the statue in Brussels is related under several incidents.  The same day the ship arrived, the Infanta (Isabella) won a battle against the Hollanders.  The Princess sent the statue back to Brussels where the townspeople placed it in the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Good Success.  From that time on Mary traveled from place to place, but always her image was saved and restored to Belgium where she now reigns peacefully over her loved people.

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