Our Lady Of Monte Pulciano

Country : Italy

Year :

Our Lady appeared to Angela of Monte Pulciano, Italy—encouraging her to continue suffering for the love of Christ—she had been sick practically all her life.  Mary left with Angela a small cross to comfort and strengthen her.  This little cross is still shown with great solemnity to pilgrims, especially during the month of May.  Mary likewise vouchsafed Angela a vision of Christ’s suffering, which lasted three days.

To comfort Angela, Mary appeared to her on the feast of the Purification while she was at Holy Mass in the church of the Friars of Foligno.  Mary told her this was the hour she had taken the Child Jesus to offer Him in the Temple.  Our Lady smiled sweetly, and gave Angela her Babe to hold and caress.

The Friars of Foligno have immortalized these visions in the art of the Shrine at Monte Pulciano.

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