Our Lady Of Hildesheim

Country : Germany

Year :

A noble youth named Eskil was sent by his father, the prince, to Hildesheim, a city of Saxony, to study; but he gave himself up to a disorderly life.  He fell dangerously ill and received Extreme Unction.

While in this state he had a vision; he found himself shut up in a fiery furnace, and believed himself already in hell; but he seemed to escape from it by a hole, and took refuge in a great palace, in a room of which he saw the most Blessed Virgin Mary, who said to him:  “Presemptous man that thou art, dost thou dare to appear before me?  Depart hence, and to that fire which thou hast deserved.”  The young man then besought the Blessed Virgin to have mercy on him; and then addressed himself to some persons who were there present, and entreated them to recommend him to Mary.  They did so, and the Mother of the Divine replied,  “But you do not know the wicked life that he leads, and that he does not even deign to salute me with a Hail Mary.”  His advocates replied, “But, Lady, he will change his life”; and then the young man added, “Yes, I promise in good earnest to amend, and I will be thy devout client.”  The Blessed Mother’s anger was appeased, and she said to him, “Well, I accept thy promise; be faithful to me, and meanwhile, with my blessing, be delivered from death and hell.”  With these words the vision disappeared.

Eskil returned to himself, and, blessing Mary related to others the grace which he had received, and from that time he led a holy life, always persevering in great devotion to Our Lady.  He became archbishop of Lunden in Sweden, where he converted many to the Faith.  Towards the end of his life, on account of his age, he renounced his archbishopric, and became a monk in Clairveaux, where he lived for four years, and died a holy death.  He is numbered in the Cistercian annals amongst the Cistercian Saints.

Most certainly God will not condemn those sinners who have recourse to Mary, and for whom she prays, since He Himself commended them to her as her children.  This most benign Lady only requires that the sinner should recommend himself to her, and purpose amendment of his life.

The Blessed Virgin told St. Brigid, “However much a man sins, I am ready immediately to receive him when he repents; nor do I pay attention to the number of his sins, but only to the intention with which he comes to me:  I do not disdain to anoint and heal his wounds; for I am called, and I am truly, the Mother of Mercy.”

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