Our Lady Of Nazareth
Country : Portugal
Year : 1150
Using our imagination and historic facts, we presume, the cozy house of Nazareth was Mary’s workshop, where she cared for the simple needs of Jesus and Joseph. Her good taste made the furnishings more attractive. Her frugality allowed the family budget to be balanced. “Full of grace”, her graciousness radiated everywhere. Frequently she would drop into Joseph’s workshop to show her interest in what he was making. She knew that God the Father had given all things to mankind to use. Therefore man had to apply to these things his skill and labor so that he might enjoy and use them for many purposes. Nazareth was a labor union because all hearts were united in love. There was cooperation. There was pride in the finished product which should command a fair price in the market place.
At Nazareth there was love, not selfish love, but love of others. Today accent is laid on justice, which gives every man his due; but love gives over and above what justice decrees.
Mary of Nazareth understands what is needed for the integrity of woman, for her dignity, the honor of the young girl and the protection and education of the child.
Under Mary’s loving eye the young Christ grew in “age, wisdom and grace with God and man”.
Prayer was the dynamo of Nazareth, sending currents of grace throughout the world. Our work, too, can be made a humble offering in the sight of God. Through prayer, and work and sacrifice, we can “Magnify the Lord” as Mary did.
The Holy House of Nazareth had three bed chambers, small – just enough room to contain a couch, a chest, a chair or stool and a little walking space. The floors were of hard waterproof concrete. The kitchen was combined with the common room, where there were chairs, stools, a table or two and cupboards to provide reasonable comfort. The walls were painted in a conventual sense. There were storage facilities for grain and cereals. There were skin containers, terra cotta jars for cooling water, some small basins, buckets and tubs; a griddle, a few pans, some metal forks, knives and an assortment of ceramic ware.
Mary of Nazareth will always remain the Immaculate, glorious Mother of us all; she adjusts herself to each nation, each people; she is in brief, our perpetual help, our dearest Mother and mighty advocate at the throne of God.