13th March : Our Lady Empress

Our Lady Empress

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Such excellence as shines in the Mother of God is the reason for her power over the world – the world below, the world above.  With energy she works for the spread of the kingdom of God, now openly, now hiddenly, but, always.

“Glory be to thee, O Empress of the World!  Bring us with thee to the joys of heaven.”  Not often does Mary work spectacular miracles, like Jesus, she lets her pity cure diseases and avert disasters.  She rescues her beseeching children from worldly ruin, time and time again.  But when the history of the world is revealed on the last day, it will be in the spiritual world that Mary’s power will be most noteworthy.

How often mothers mediate between children in disgrace and irate fathers.  Mary is such a Mother.  Enemies to man’s salvation she slays with her tremendous power.  Human pride that seeks by untruth to change the teachings of Christ, she battles with her humility.  Satan she crushes beneath her immaculate heel.

All blessings fill the earth in Mary’s prayer.  Her life is our BENEDICITE.  “Bless the Lord” is her continual cry.  Queen of Angels she can command their glorious song.

Empress of the World, she can exact tribute of praise from crystal waters and high flying clouds, from sturdy mountains and flowered fields.  Sun, moon, and stars obey her behest to adore Him; she is Empress.

Lady of Light, she can bid night as well as day extol His glory.  Not only suns obey her but winds and storms; not only brightness and clear blue skies, but darkness of deep midnight.

Mistress, Empress of Earth, trees lift hands to God for her, flowers bend in worship before their Lord at her command.  Birds sing Hosanna, and from furred creatures she may demand devotion for God, her Lord.

As Mother of Men, she can hymn praise with them:  “Bless God, the Father, the Spirit, the Sanctifier.”

Blessed now, more than before, since her voice can call us to His love.  Because of her, we dare raise confident voices; because of her, He will hear and be glad.  Now, with her we may sing more eloquently than Ananias, Azarias, Misael, than all the psalmists and singers of ages before He came through her.

It is her voice for which He listens now – the sole unsinning one – who prays with Christ:  “Blessed, O thrice-blessed be God now.  Blessed be God forevermore.”  Because He joys to hear her, He joys too, to hear us.  To praise God with Mary is to be heard with delight.

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