Our Lady Of Clarveaux

Country : France

Year : 1143

13 October Our Lady of Clarveaux

Our Lady of Clairveaux’ shrine is in the diocese of Langres.  St. Bernard’s great devotion to the Mother of God is universally known.  He was the first abbot of this celebrated monastery, and died in the year 1153, at the age of sixty-three.

Alphonsus I, King of Portugal in the year 1143, bound himself and his successors to pay every year, as the vassal of Our Lady of Clairveaux, fifty gold maravedia for the upkeep of the shrine.

Bernard in his time was regarded as the apple of the Virgin’s eye.  He placed all his churches under the special protection of Mary.  To him Mary was the great mediator.  Not even the weakest human frailty could fear to approach this Mother.  Addressing Mary, Bernard says “Let him deny your mercy who can say that he has ever asked in vain.”

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