Our Lady’s Recent Apparitions
Country :Germany
Year : 1932
In the modern day, the Queen of Mercy, of Might, of Grace, continues her pleas and warnings in spite of our deafness. In the winter of 1932-33 she came again; this time to the village of Beauraing in Belgium; again to children and again she requested that we pray the Rosary. Despite the war, pilgrimages were constantly made to this little town and in 1946 a beautiful cathedral was erected here to Mary.
Since 1939, Mary has shown herself frequently at the hamlet of Kerrytown, west coast of Ireland. A great series of recent apparitions have taken place in Germany, at the village of Heede in the diocese of Osnabruk from 1937 to 1940; and those in Phaffenhofen, a small village near Ulm in Southern Germany in 1946.
At Heede Our Lady manifested herself more than 100 times to four little girls; she sought the girls elsewhere, when the Gestapo forbade them to come. Heede is now also a place of pilgrimage. Mary asked for penance and for the recitation of the Rosary.
At Pfaffenhofen, Mary said, “I am the powerful Mediatrix of Grace…Christ is unknown because I am unknown…The world was consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, but this consecration only turned to a fearful responsibility. I demand that the world live this consecration. Have unreserved confidence in my Immaculate Heart; believe that I am all influential with God…fulfill my request so that Christ may reign as the King of Peace! Pray the Rosary! Pray not so much for external things known to all the world”. Our Lady pleaded again to “Keep the Saturdays which have been dedicated to me as I requested”, and constantly reiterated the necessity of prayer. “Pray always”, she begged. “Pray the Rosary!”
It would be almost impossible to imagine a more insistent entreaty for our cooperation that delivered by the “Bride of the Holy Ghost”. “I urge people to fulfill my wishes quickly because today and ever ‘We Are Warned’, such fulfillment of my will is necessary for God’s greater honor and glory. The Father pronounces a dreadful woe upon all who refuse to obey His will.”
And it is our Lady’s desire that this “message be made known to the public literally”. The doctors of the Church and the Saints have long declared Mary to be the Mediatrix of Grace; devotion to the Immaculate Heart is not new although it received a new impetus at Fatima. St. John Eudes, “Father, Doctor and Apostle of the liturgical worship of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”, first expounded it in the seventeenth century, and a century later, St. Louis de Montfort said” “It is in the Heart of Mary that the world will find again true fraternity: it is by the Heart of Mary that it will find again true fraternity: it is by the Heart of Mary that it will obtain pardon and mercy of God.”
There are many thoughtful people in the world today who believe that “time is short”; although no one knows the exact nature of the evil to be averted. To those outside the Church, “the evil” is to be averted by grandiose schemes of world unity or political federation. Mary, in this her age, is showing us only one way out. She is, as Archbishop Cushing has said, “our Advocate so long as we repent: she is the prophetess of our doom if we remain hard of heart and unheeding”.