Our Lady Of The Closing Year
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We face a closing year with mixed emotions and strange nostalgia; happy at the thought that the unpleasant, the sad, the painful is at an end. We look forward hopefully to a better and brighter year; yet we experience a deep dread of what might cloud our horizon.
How blindly foolish we mortals can be! We so easily lose sight of the loving Providence of Our Father, Who has counted the very hairs of our heads, and lets not a sparrow fall to the ground without His Holy Will. How childishly independent of both Father and Mother we appear, on our own, instead of clasping tightly our Mother Mary’s hand, and placing confidently the other into the mighty, but loving Hand of our dear Father, God.
Mary will close for us the doors of the “might-have-been”; and open the “yet-to-be”. Drawing across the first the all-forgiving, the all-forgetting curtain of God’s infinite Love; she will open the bright doors of the coming year, and lead for us the way to Her Son’s Sacred Heart. Mary, Mediatrix of Grace, will also mediate with us in balancing our accounts; she will burn up the dross, and make clear the path for a new beginning of the future year. Strength, help, grace, all are ours for the asking. Could we wish for or hope for more?