Our Lady Of Sinners
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St. Bernard tells us, “If you fear to have recourse to Jesus Christ because the majesty of God in Him overawed you and you desire another advocate with this Divine Mediator – then go to Mary. She will intercede for you with her Son and He will most certainly hear her. He will then intercede with the Father, Who can deny nothing to such a Son.”
“This divine Mother is the ladder of sinners, for by her they reascend to the height of divine grace. She is my greatest confidence, the whole ground of my hope.”
Mary’s chief office in this world is to raise up sinners who have fallen from divine grace, and to reconcile them with God. Our Lord revealed to St. Catherine of Siena, “that He had granted Mary to be a kind of bait by which He might catch men, end especially sinners, and draw them to God.” This magnet, Mary, draws to God many obstinate hearts each day. Even the most hardened hearts she reconciles to God.
St. John Chrysostom says, “Another purpose for which the Blessed Virgin was made the Mother of God was that she might obtain salvation for many who could not otherwise be saved.” St. Anselm says, “Mary was raised to the dignity of Mother of God more for sinners than for the just. For Jesus Christ Himself declares that He came not to call the just, but sinners.” Holy Church sings, “You do not abhor sinners, for without them you would never have been worthy of such a Son.” William of Parish invokes her thus: “O Mary, because of all the gifts, the graces, the honors which you have received in the dignity of Mother of God, you are obliged to help sinners. For, in a matter of speaking, you owe all to sinners.” St. Augustine concludes, “If Mary was made Mother of God because of sinners, how can I, no matter how great my sins, despair of pardon.” St. Andrew of Crete calls Mary “A pledge and security for our reconciliation with God.”
St. Bonaventure encourages a sinner in this manner, “If you fear because of your sins that God in His anger will be avenged, what should you do? Go, have recourse to Mary, who is the hope of sinners. And if you fear that she may refuse to take your part, remember, that she cannot do so. For God Himself has imposed upon her the duty of helping the miserable.
St. Bernard says, in conclusion, “O sinner, whoever you are – whether imbedded in crime or grown in sin – do not despair. Thank your Lord, Who in order that He might show His mercy, has not only given his Son for your advocate, but, to encourage you to greater confidence has provided you with a mediatrix who by her prayers obtains whatever she wills. Go then, have recourse to Mary, and you will be saved”.