Our Lady Of Foggia
Country :
Year : 1001
Sometime around the year 1001, in the country near Foggia, there was a forest of oak trees, on the outskirts of which lived an elderly peasant, poor and miserable of life. He owned a team of oxen with which he worked the adjacent field and managed thereby to keep body and soul together. He was quite a pious old chap, much devoted to the Blessed Virgin, who decided to repay him for his devotion and bestow her graces on him in a singular manner. On a Saturday in the early spring, Mary appeared to him in the midst of the foliage of the oak trees; her garments were trimmed with stars from which dazzling rays of light shone forth.
The old man was startled at this unexpected and splendid sight—instinctively he removed his hat, threw aside the cane with which he supported himself, sank to his knees and began to pray. His two oxen likewise bowed their heads in mute adoration.
The vision vanished and when the peasant raised his eyes he saw in the crotch of the tree a lovely statue of Our Lady. Quickly he ran to his rude little hut, obtained a metal vase, filled it with oil and returning to the tree, hung it as a lamp on the branch in front of the statue. It is said that the initial filling of the oil lasted for many years without any replenishment. The rustic little lamp is still preserved in the present sanctuary.
Sometime after this occurrence, a little chapel was erected on the spot and many years later, the present sanctuary and shrine to Mary was built.