Our Lady Of The Well

Country : China

Year : 1945

Hungkialou, China, witnessed in 1945 what appears a Marian miracle.  One day while the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception were singing Vespers, one of the lay teachers dashed into the chapel.  Whe seized Sister Alacoque’s arm, and fairly dragged the good nun ou

Sister Alacoque hurried to the well.  Peering down, she saw to her amazement, the little girl with head just above the water.  Her hands were folded and she was praying:  “Holy Mother, save me!  Holy Mother, save me!”

It took fifteen minutes for the workmen to arrive.  Chain and rope were then lowered into the well.  The little girl slipped her foot into a loop of the chain, grasped the rope with both hands and was drawn out of the well.

The girl’s story was this:  “When I fell into the well, I went way, way down under the water,.”  Her hair was dripping wet.  “I called on our Blessed Mother to save me, and right away I was lifted to the surface.  I found something solid under my feet, so that I could stand with my head above the water.  I kept on asking Our Lady to help me, until they pulled me out of the well.”

Later, the workmen measured the depth of the water.  It was fourteen unbroken feet!

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