Our Lady Of The New Jerusalem
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The sacred places associated with the final acts of man’s redemption by the God-Man: the Upper Room; Calvary; the tomb of the Resurrection, are all associated with Mary, too; and in addition, there are shrines specifically connected with her, notably her supposed birthplace and the place of the Assumption.
Our Lady’s meeting with her Son on His way to death is marked by a Church, of Armenian rite, Our Lady of the Swoon. In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, there are commemorative altars of her receiving her Son’s dead Body and, in the Franciscan choir, of His appearing to her when he had risen again. The Church of the Dormition is at the place of her death, according to the Jerusalem tradition.
Other spots connected with her name commemorate events that belong to the domain of pious supposition, or even of folklore, rather than religious tradition. The Spring of the Lady Mary between Gethsemane and the pool of Siloe in the Cedron Valley, is so called because of its proximity to the Church of the Assumption; it is the Ain Rogel of II Kings 17:17 and III Kings 1:9.