Our Lady Of Help

Country : Italy

Year : 1861

There are several shrines to Our Lady of Help, of Good Help, of Perpetual Help, Help of Christians, in Italy and in Latin America.

The one near Lucca in Italy, is said to have originated when an angry farmer said to his little son, “The devil take you!”  Whereupon the devil appeared, but was driven off by Our Lady in response to cries of the child’s mother—a story that presents certain difficulties.

At New Franklin, Wisconsin, there is a shrine to Our Lady of Good help which has for long been a place of local pilgrimage and is now beginning to be known further afield.  It has its origin about 1861, when a young Belgian, Adele Brisse, had a spiritual experience which many believe to have been a vision of Our Lady.  The school that Adele founded became a home for crippled children in 1933, run by the Sisters of St. Francis of Bay Settlement; the new chapel of Our Lady of Good Help is the center of the pilgrimage and cures have been reported.

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