Our Lady Of Good News Or Glad Tiding
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To the holy maid of Nazareth God sent his glorious messenger, Gabriel, to convey to her that supremest of consoling messages of the coming of the Redeemer; this was the greatest secret, the best piece of Good News ever whispered to a human heart. We know the joy of conveying Good News, just as we know how heavy a task it is to impart news that causes sorrow. So, for this joyful errand God chose His great angel. How willingly Gabriel leaped forth to accomplish the divine behest. And then, how gently and courteously he broke the glad tidings to Mary. It was the most delicate as well as the most wonderful message that one created intellect ever conveyed to another.
Mary was after all but human, although buoyed up by a strong sea of grace. Might not the strain of this divine message be too great even for her? To accept it demanded extraordinary faith as well as marvelous trust and a love that would flinch from nothing.
To be the Mother of the Messiah, the Mother of God! To be the Mother of Christ was offered her. Her faith stood forth for the conflict—how would this impossibility be arranged in God’s providence? How will He reconcile motherhood and virginity? Then softly, like stealing music, from the angel’s peace-giving lips the undreamt of solution came. The Infinitely Wise and all-Powerful has ways we know not. “The Holy Ghost shall come upon Thee”; this motherhood tied Mary to Divinity in an inexpressibly wonderful way. The Person of God became her Son.
And then Mary’s simple, penetrating word was spoken, under the stress of this great visitation: “Behold the servant of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word.” She annihilated herself in God’s presence; she could only breathe the prayer: “Thy will be done!” All heaven bended to listen to the Good News which her answer brought by her simple “Fiat”.
I, too, must be the bearer of Good News, of Glad Tidings wherever I go, by accepting whatever the good God ordains for me as His Holy Will. The angels must hasten to the throne of God for me, too (whenever He asks something of me), with the Good News that I will do what He wants.
Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
The world will bid Him flee,
Too busy to heed His gentle voice,
Too blind His charms to see.
Then, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ,
Come with Thy Child to me;
Tho’ the world be cold, my heart shall hold
A shelter for Him and thee.
Let me in this way be a fountain of joy to God the Father, to His Son, Jesus, to the Holy Spirit and to Mother Mary, by the Good Tidings I spread far and wide.