Our Lady Of The Fountain
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“For with Thee is the fountain of life.” Mary is the rock whence God, this divine fountain of life, flows as it were into the world. Such is the mystery of the Incarnation that God became Man from His Virgin Mother, much as a life giving spring flows from the massive cliffs. How beautifully this is illustrated to our present age by the fountain of Lourdes, the life-giving spring for so many of the sick, which was pointed out at the Grotto to St. Bernadette by Our Lady herself a century ago. And by the many other fountains which at Our Lady’s bidding sprang up from the earth as healing waters for all who believed in her power and trusted her intercession and love.
This purest fountain which gushes from the solid rock six feet below the Grotto of Massabielle, is fed from the far Alpine peaks which rise majestically to inaccessible heights and are clothed in the blinding brilliance of eternal snows. So Mary, the Immaculate, has brought from heaven to this lowly earth, God Himself. From her is begotten in time the All-Holy One Who is The Eternal Wisdom, the Joy and the Life of the elect.
“With thee, O Mother, is the Fountain of Life – thou art the channel of the Divinity, thou art the Mother of God. Now assumed into Heaven, from thy immaculate hands as from the unfailing fountain of purest waters of Massabielle flow all graces to the sin-parched earth.” “Come and drink of this water; come and wash in it”, is your invitation to mankind – for in Christ Whom you bring us, we are living waters of everlasting life, and we are made white when washed in the Blood of the Lamb.
The fountain of Lourdes has grown into a mighty river to inundate the whole world with divine grace. It is turned into light each evening during the candle-light procession, with the triumphant, “Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!”
As the years go on the consciousness of mankind, Mary appears resplendent as the Lady of Light as she did at Fatima; as the Woman clothed with the sun; the great Apocalypse sign seen in the firmament of this modern age. Simultaneously there appears the dragon, the red dragon, who would devour her seed. The little fountain, the many waters, the light and the sun – prophetically speak to us of Mary, who brings to the sin-darkened world, Christ, its true and only Light and with Him the promise of our final victory over Satan and the powers of darkness.