Our Lady Of Speech Or Of The Word

Country : Spain

Year : 1514

In the year 1514, Our Lady, venerated at a shrine near Montserrat, Spain, was invoked in behalf of a dumb man, to whom she restored his speech.  From then on she was given the title Our Lady of Speech.  Here again the words of the “Memorare” were verified:  “…never was it known…”

Vested with the almighty power of her Divine Son, Mary, imitating Him, walks the earth, going about doing good, granting petitions, supplying needs, giving solace, comfort and aid.  She is indeed Our Lady of the Word; Mother of the Word Incarnate; “And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us”, through her “Fiat”.

As a consequence, even while on earth, His Mother’s word had great influence upon Christ.  “They have no wine”, uttered in behalf of the embarrassed newlyweds at Cana, brought forth her Son’s first unplanned miracle.

And so, down the ages, Mary hearkens to the words of her Calvary-born children and speaks in their behalf to Jesus.  Her intercession, her word, her speech is never in vain.

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