Our Lady Of The Blessed Sacrament
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While distributing Holy Communion, Father Heinrichs gave the Blessed Sacrament to a so-called member of a gang of priest-haters. As soon as Father placed Our Lord on the tongue of the man, he spat out the Sacred Host, whipped out a revolver and fired a bullet through the heart of the priest. Mortally wounded, Father Leo Heinrich tried to reach the altar of the Blessed Mother. He managed to place the ciborium on Mary’s altar step. Then he tried to pick up a few Hosts which had fallen—his last act.
Two fellow priests were called. One took care of the Sacred Hosts, while the other gave the martyr-priest the Last Sacraments. With the names of Jesus and Mary on his lips, between the altar of the Son of God and the altar of His Blessed Mother, the priest entered eternity. The murderer was hanged.
A week before his death, Father told the Young Lady’s Sodality: “If I had my choice of a place to die, I would choose to die at the feet of the Blessed Virgin.” His wish was literally fulfilled.
Mary is indeed Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Through Mary all God’s gifts come to us, especially that greatest gift, The Holy Eucharist.
The Body of Our Lord, which becomes present on the altar during Holy Mass; which is given to us in Holy Communion; which remains in the tabernacle day and night, is the same Body that was born of the Virgin Mary.
We cannot separate the Mother from the Child. We cannot separate Our Lady from Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. We honor Mary along with her Son; we stand by our Eucharistic King and the Lady who stands first in His court.