Our Lady Of The Waves

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A world of disintegration held together by the blue of Mary’s love—that is what Salvador Dali painted in his Port Lligat Madonna.  Mother of the Eternal Fisherman, Our Lady of the Waves; she is at home among the symbols of the sea, the shells, the eggs, the barren rocks, the waves.  With the exquisite dignity of the Renaissance Madonnas whom Dali so admires, she is enthroned, showing the Christ, a Child within the tabernacle roofed by her upraised hands.

“Everything floats in space here to show spirituality,” says Dali, but it has an ever greater significance in that it represents the world dissolved by strife and hate.  How shall the whole be bound together?  The superb art of Dali does it in the picture by a balance and proportion and a subtle magic that is all his own.  As in the spiritual world, the unity is one of love.  The varied but blending blues in his Madonna of Port Lligat read only one way:  the love of Mary holds all together to center the Christ she cradles in her own being.  This is a beauty that is also a truth few will see and understand.

The Madonna of Dali is the Lady who holds heaven in her heart and who will give it to men of desire.  This is the Lady whose love looks down upon the swirling sea of modern life and, with her Christ, yearns to bring it His peace.

In his Madonna, Dali sees salvation.  She is the Lady of the Sea, of the Waves, the Lady of the yearning, Christ and she will save us in Christ’s salvation!

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