Our Lady Of Zyrowicz
Country :
Year : 1719
Our lady is honored under this title at a Ruthenian sanctuary near Novogrudok, Lithuanian-Poland, where in the seventeenth century there was a monastery of the eastern monastic order: it was resorted to by both Orthodox and Catholics.
The icon was much revered by the martyred bishop St. Josaphat Kuntevich (d. 1623). In 1719 a copy of the icon was found in the monastery of the Ruthenian monks in Rome. They enshrined it in their church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. Miracles were reported here, and it became so well known that the Romans referred to the church as Santa Maria del Pascolo.
The Basilian monks of St. Josaphat still guard the image in that church. The original was set up about 1475, and is mentioned in the Russian menologies.