Our Lady Of Quick Or Good Remedy

Country :

Year : 1640

This shrine of Our Lady dates back to the year 1640, although the statue had been in the same abbey for probably two centuries before any miraculous occurrence.  The statue was rather faded and was not thought stylish enough for the chapel.  It was placed under a staircase near the infirmary, where its most frequent visitor was the old lay sister who had charge of sweeping the corridor.  One day as she was busy about her work, the statue spoke to her, and told her to hurry up to the infirmary because one of the sisters needed her.  The sister named was not a patient but the nurse.  She had been perfectly well a short time before and the lay sister saw no particular reason to think that she was dying.  However, she went and arrived just in time to summon the priest, for the sister was indeed dying.

Shortly after this a community benefactor whose son was at death’s door with fever, saw the boy instantly cured on invoking Our Lady before this statue.  After this it was moved into the chapel where many miracles followed.  One miracle was worked in favor of a sister who had been terribly burned; she was instantly cured.  A priest, falsely accused of crime, was acquitted after special prayers to the “miracle lady”.  The statue had had no name before this.  They decided to call her Our Lady of All Help, Quick Help, Good Remedy.

At the time of the French Revolution the abbey was destroyed.  A pious lady took the statue and safeguarded it until the trouble was over.  After her death it was restored to the community.  It has survived several wars since.

The statue is about two feet high and Mary is seated, with the sun for a background.  Branches of brass lilies and tapers make a halo, and she holds a scepture.

There is a short and very lovely prayer which for centuries has been associated with this statue.  It is, “Oh, Mother of All Help, say but one word in our behalf to thy Divine Son, for He cannot refuse thee any favor.  Amen.”

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