Our Lady Of Iron

Country : France

Year : 1631

This is one of the shrine stories of Our Lady of Iron, near Blois in Dunois, France.  It was in this chapel, about the year 1631, that a child who had been smothered by struggling in its cradle, came to life the moment that its parents brought it to the shrine and devoutly prayed to Our Lady of Iron.

The young French couple felt singularly blessed.  Were they not fortunate?  They had health, work, a small home, a child who was as sweet as the Babe of Bethlehem.  Thus they mused on their way home from early morning Mass.

As soon as they entered the house, Pierre hurried to the cradle to look at his infant son.  The child must have been restless and struggled with the bedclothes which were tossed about and tangled.  Why, the tiny body was rigid and cold.  The baby was dead!  The Madonna at the church shrine always helped.  They would take the baby there instantly!  Mary did not fail them.

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