Our Lady Of Louvain

Country : Belgium

Year :

In the Belgian town of Montaigu, there is a shrine near Sichem in Louvain going back to the setting up of a small statue of Mary in an oak tree during the fourteenth century.  The statue disappeared in 1579, but was soon replaced by another, which became reputed as an occasion of miracles of healing.

The oak having died, it was cut down and the wood used for making reproductions of the image.

For the original, a church, sevensided in shape, was built, surrounded by a fortified enclosure.  (Montaigu was a hill of military importance).  The statue was very small and simple and decked out in clothes.  It is above the high altar which stands at the spot where formerly the oak grew.

Montaigu is still one of the most popular shrines in Belgium; there is another of the same name in France.

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