Our Lady Of Port Louis
Country : Italy
Year :
Our Lady of Port Louis’ shrine is in Milan. Tradition reports that this image one day received the homage of two angels, whom several persons saw bending their knees before it. Devotion to the Mother of God was hereby inflamed and pilgrimages made to the shrine. Many miracles were and still are wrought through Mary’s intercession.
Legend relates that a pious monk, Herman, was praying in the choir of the church, when Our Lady appeared to him accompanied by two angels. One of the angels took the monk’s hand and joined it to that of the Blessed Virgin in token of a symbolic espousal. Some time afterward the Virgin again appeared to Herman, as she held the Christchild in her arms. “Carry my Child”, she said, “as He was carried by Joseph into Egypt; and as you bear the same burden, so bear from now on the same name.” From that day the monk was known as Herman-Joseph.