Mediatrix Of All Grace

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Year : 1711

Father Bernard Francis de Hoyos, SJ. (1711-35), apostle of devotion to the Sacred Heart, described a vision he had which identifies Mary as the mediatrix of All Grace, “I saw the Heart of the Eternal Father in the form of an immense globe of Fire whose infinite grandeur extended over the earth, the heavens, and out beyond the abysses.  The rays of light, which spread out, concentrated in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and narrowed until they were received in all their intensity in the most amiable Heart of Our Most Holy Mother Mary.  This appeared in the form of a brilliant and beautiful sun, which at once communicated to men and the whole earth, the multitude of lights and rays which it had received.  In this mysterious symbol I understood how the Most Loving Heart of Jesus communicated to men the infinitude of gifts and benefits which He receives from the Father and from the Divinity of the Word, by means of the most pure Heart of His Most Holy Mother Mary, which is the aqueduct and instrument by which we derive all good.”

Because of her closeness to, and oneness with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary is most powerful, not by nature but by grace.  So pleasing is the Immaculate Heart of Our Sweet Mother to her Divine Son, that He will refuse her nothing.

At the Visitation, merely the voice of Mary’s salutation sounded in the ears of Elizabeth and John was sanctified—Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  All gifts and benefits are channeled to us through the Mediatrix of all Grace, Mary.

Power is not an unmixed blessing unless it is tempered and directed by mercy.  The Heart of Our Immaculate Mother Mary is not only all powerful by grace; it is likewise all-merciful.  “Woman, behold thy son”.  She forgives us just as Jesus does, and mirrors in her heart infinite mercy for sinners.

The Assumption of Our Lady and her Coronation as Our Queen, gives us further assurance and confidence in the loving protection of her Immaculate Heart, since she is now and forever seated at her Divine Son’s right hand in Heaven, will not forget or forsake the children of her Sorrows—the children committed to her care on Calvary.

The glories of Heaven and the praises of all angels and saints of paradise do not distract our Mother’s mind or deafen her Mother-Heart to the misery and pleas of her children on earth, for she is the Virgin Most Faithful.  The saints and angels do her bidding and help us because she desires it; she is their Queen and her wishes become a mandate to them.

Finally, Mary’s nearness to God increases her power to help us; her mercy toward us, her unflinching faithfulness to come to our aid against the constant incursions of Satan, our own weakness to fall, and the witchery of this empty world binding us to God, all are under Mary’s sway.

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