Jurisdiction | Cathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former Cathedrals |
Acarigua–Araure | Cathedral of Our Lady of the Bark |
Barcelona | St. Christopher’s Cathedral |
Barinas | Cathedral of Our Lady of the Pillar |
Barquisimeto | Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral |
Barquisimeto | Old Cathedral of Saint Francis of Assisi |
Cabimas | Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral |
Dungeon | All Saints Cathedral |
Caracas | Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Anne |
Caroni | St. Helena Cathedral |
Carora | Cathedral of St. John the Baptist |
Carupano | Cathedral of Saint Rose of Lima |
Bolivar City | Cathedral of St. Thomas |
Guayana City | Pro-Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima |
Guayana City | St. John Paul II Cathedral |
Choir | Cathedral Basilica of Saint Anne |
Cumana | Metropolitan Cathedral of the Heart of Jesus |
Cumana | Basilica Co-Cathedral of Saint Agnes |
The Tiger | Our Lady of the Valley Cathedral |
The Watchman – San Carlos del Zulia | Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral |
The Watchman – San Carlos del Zulia | Con-Cathedral of St. Charles Borromeo |
Guanare | Basilica Cathedral of Our Lady of Coromoto |
Guarenas | Our Lady of Copacabana Cathedral |
Guasdualito | Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral |
La Guaira | Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle |
Los Teques | Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Machiques | Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral |
Maracaibo | Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul |
Maracay | St. Joseph’s Cathedral |
Margarita | Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Maturin | Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral |
Merida | Minor Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Merida |
Petare | Cathedral of the Sweet Name of Jesus |
Petare | Our Lady of the Rosary Co-Cathedral |
Port Ayacucho | Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians |
Puerto Cabello | St. Joseph Cathedral |
Fixed Point | Our Lady of Coromoto Cathedral |
San Carlos of Venezuela | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception |
Saint Christopher of Venezuela | St. Christopher’s Cathedral |
Saint Philip | Cathedral of Saint Philip the Apostle |
San Fernando de Apure | Cathedral of Saint Ferdinand the King |
Trujillo | Our Lady of Peace Cathedral |
Tucupita | Cathedral of the Divine Shepherdess |
Valencia | Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Help |
Easter Valley | Cathedral of Our Lady of Candelaria |
Venezuela (Syriac Rite) | Syrian Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Venezuela (Greek-Melkite Rite) | St. George’s Cathedral |
Catholic Cathedrals in Venezuela