
Cathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former Cathedrals

Alba Iulia

Saint Michael’s Roman Catholic Cathedral 
Alba Iulia, Alba , Romania 

Alba Iulia

The Black Church 
Brasov, Brasov , Romania 


Saint Joseph Metropolitan Cathedral 
Bucharest, Bucharest , Romania 

Cluj–Gherla ( Romanian Rite )

Greek Catholic Cathedral of the Transfiguration 
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj , Romania 

Cluj–Gherla ( Romanian Rite )

Cathedral of the "Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th Century" 
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj , Romania 

Cluj–Gherla ( Romanian Rite )

Greek Catholic Cathedral of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Church 
Gherla, Cluj , Romania 

Fagaras and Alba Iulia ( Romanian Rite )

Holy Trinity Greek Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral 
Blaj, Alba , Romania 

Fagaras and Alba Iulia ( Romanian Rite )

Saint Nicholas Church 
Fagaras, Brasov , Romania 


Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 
Iasi, Iasi , Romania 


Holy Virgin Mary Queen Co-Cathedral 
Iasi, Iasi , Romania 


Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary 
Bacau, Bacau , Romania 


Church of Our Lady 
Baia, Suceava , Romania 

Lugoj ( Romanian Rite )

Greek Catholic Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit 
Lugoj, Timiș , Romania 

Maramures ( Romanian Rite )

Saint Mary’s Cathedral 
Baia Mare, Maramures , Romania 

Maramures ( Romanian Rite )

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 
Baia Mare, Maramures , Romania 

Oradea Mare

Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 
Oradea, Bihor , Romania 

Oradea Mare

Church of Saint Ladislaus 
Oradea, Bihor , Romania 

Oradea Mare ( Romanian Rite )

Saint Nicholas Cathedral 
Oradea, Bihor , Romania 

Romania (Armenian Rite)

Holy Trinity Armenian Catholic Cathedral 
Gherla, Cluj , Romania 

One March

Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord 
Satu Mare, Satu Mare , Romania 

Saint Basil the Great of Bucharest ( Romanian Rite )

Greek Catholic Cathedral of St. Basil the Great 
Bucharest, Bucharest , Romania 


Saint George Roman Catholic Cathedral 
Timisoara, Timis , Romania