Jurisdiction |
Cathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former Cathedrals |
Abengourou |
Cathedral of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus |
Abidjan |
Saint Paul Cathedral of Plateau |
Abidjan |
Saint Paul’s Church |
Agboville |
Saint-Jean-Marie-Vianney Cathedral |
Bondoukou |
Saint Odile Cathedral |
Bouake |
Saint Therese Cathedral |
Daloa |
Cathedral of Christ the King |
Gagnoa |
Saint Anne Cathedral |
Grand-Bassam |
Sacred Heart Cathedral |
Katiola |
Cathedral of Saint Joan of Arc |
Korhogo |
Saint John the Baptist Cathedral |
Man |
Saint Michael’s Cathedral |
Odienne |
St. Augustine Cathedral |
San Pedro |
St. Peter’s Cathedral |
Yamoussoukro |
St. Augustine Cathedral |
Yopougon |
St. Andrew’s Cathedral |
Yopougon |
Future Saint Andrew Cathedral |
Catholic Cathedrals in Cote d’Ivoire