Category - World Cathedrals

World Cathedrals

Catholic Cathedrals in Solomon Islands 

JurisdictionCathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former CathedralsMalaita St. Augustine Cathedral Open, Malaita , Solomon Islands GizoSt. Peter’s Cathedral Gizo, Western , Solomon Islands HoniaraHoly Cross Cathedral Honiara, Capital...

World Cathedrals

Catholic Cathedrals in Burundi

JurisdictionCathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former CathedralsFirstChrist the King Cathedral Bubanza, Bubanza , Burundi BujumburaRegina Mundi Cathedral Bujumbura, Bujumbura Rural , Burundi BuruChrist the King...

World Cathedrals

Catholic Cathedrals in Serbia

Jurisdiction Cathedrals / Co Cathedrals / Former Cathedrals Belgrade Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary  Belgrade, Belgrade , Serbia  Belgrade Co-Cathedral of Christ the King ...