
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Garden is a Catholicplace of worship located in the municipality of Chiavari , in Piazza Nostra Signora dell’Orto, in the metropolitan city of Genoa.
Episcopal seatof thediocese of Chiavari, it is also a Marian sanctuary and seat of the parish of the same name of the vicariate of Chiavari-Lavagna . On November 27, 1904,Pope Pius Xelevated it to the rank ofminor basilica.

The church was built after the miraculousapparitionof theVirgin Marywhich, according to tradition, occurred on 2 July 1610 in the area where the vegetable gardens once stood – hence the name Madonna dell’Orto – to the fellow citizen Sebastiano Descalzo. At the site of the apparition there was already a pillar depicting the Madonna with the saintsSebastianoandRocco, erected by the people of Chiavari to ward off theplaguewhich afflicted the citadel in 1493 and 1528.
The decision was then taken to erect a new religious temple near the ancient pylon, with the first stone being laid on 1 July 1613. Construction work ended twenty years later, in 1633. The building was given over to theDiscalced Carmelites, who had to move away from the church in 1797 due to the suppression of religious orders byNapoleon Bonaparteat the proclamation of theLigurian Republic. In 1892, following the establishment of the newdiocese of Chiavari, the Marian sanctuary was elevated to the title ofcathedralbyPope Leo XIII. Two years later, in 1894, the church was consecrated by MonsignorFortunato Vinelli, the first bishop of Chiavari.
It underwent significant architectural changes between the 19th and 20th centuries, such as the construction of three ships, the mightypronaosand new freshes inside. The adjacent monastery was used as the current diocesan library and home to a religious school. The official inauguration of the new cathedral took place on 3 July 1907, three years after it was named abasilica.
In 2016, the churchyard was pedestrianized and covered with cobblestones. The main festivities and celebrations take place mainly on July 2 and 3, on the anniversary of the Marian apparition, and on January 17, the feast ofSaint Anthony the AbbotThe co-patrons areSaint Sebastianon January 20th andSaint Roccoon August 16. The hymn of Our Lady of the Garden, entitled O clemente pietosa Regina , was composed and set to music by the master and priestGiovanni Battista Campodonico.

Architectural Style: Baroque architecture
The gabledfaçadeof the cathedral is preceded by a hexastyle pronaos supported by smooth Corinthian columns . It was designed and planned by the Modenese architectLuigi Polettiin 1836, taking inspiration from thePantheon in Rome. Construction work lasted from 1841 to 1907.
The neoclassicalstructure was built using whitemarbleas a material and dividing it into eight Corinthiancolumns. The facade was completed in 1938 by inserting five marble bas-relief panels – depicting episodes from the life of the Virgin – made by the sculptor Rodolfo Castagninobasedon a design by the architect Luigi Daneri . Thebell towerstands in theapsearea and contains a concert of eightbellsin the key of B major ,cast by the Milanese foundry of theBarigozziBrothers , except for the smallest, cast by the Filippi foundry ofChiari. Thedomeis in typical Ligurian style with a “lanternino” at the top.
The interior of the cathedral has aLatin crossplan and is divided into threenavesby two rows ofround archesresting on a squarepillars . The transept is covered with a dome. Inside there are numerous works of art of great importance and artistic value, such as the highaltarfrom 1627 – the work of the architect Ferrandino – or the seventeenth-centurychoir from the nearby church of San Francesco. There are also wooden groups by the famous sculptor Anton Maria Maragliano , the altarpiece of the high altar by Benedetto Borzone .
Among the valuable frescoes preserved is the one on thevaultdepicting the Marian apparition, from 1610, against the backdrop of the ancient Citadel of Chiavari frescoed byCarlo Barattain 1805. There are also other frescoes byFrancesco Gandolfidating back to 1868 and other paintings byGiovanni Coppoladating back to the same period. Thepulpit, the marbles and the stuccoes of the threenavesare byLudovico Pogliaghi, executed between 1909 and 1910. The two large stained glass windows of the apse, depicting Saint Sebastian and Saint Rocco, were made in 1928, based on designs by Pogliaghi himself, by Costante Panigati, artistic director of the Luigi Fontana & C. firm in Milan.
Pipe organ
The cathedral’spipe organwas built in 1969 by theMarin brothers. It has aelectric transmissionand three organ bodies: one in theapse, hidden by themain altar, a second ( Eco ) in thedomeand a third in the counter-façade, above the central portal. The instrument has three keyboards of 61 notes each and aconcave-radial pedalboardof 32.
Feast Day
Feast day: July 2
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Garden, Chiavari, Italy, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Garden. Her feast day is celebrated on July 2 each year.
Church Mass Timing
Monday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Tuesday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Wednesday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Thursday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Friday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Saturday : 9:00 AM , 6:00 PM
Sunday : 8:30 AM , 10:00 AM , 11:30 AM , 6:00 PM
Church Opening Time:
Monday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Tuesday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Thursday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Friday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Sunday : 7:00 am – 12:00 pm , 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Contact Info
Address :
Piazza Nostra Signora dell’Orto, 5, 16043 Chiavari GE, Italy.
Phone : +390185304440.
Genoa (GOA) Airport to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Garden Chiavari Italy distance between 55 min (52.6 km) via A12/E80 and E80.
Chiavari Station to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Garden Chiavari Italy, distance between 2 min (400.0 m) via SS 1, Via Davide Gagliardo and Via Vinelli Fortunato.